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Cataracts are the clouding of the natural lens. Cataracts can happen at any age but often occur as a result of getting older. More than half of all Americans over 80 either have cataracts or have had surgery to treat them.

As they progress, cataracts may interfere with your ability to complete day-to-day activities, like reading, writing, or driving. In fact, despite cataracts being one of the most treatable eye conditions, they are the leading cause of vision loss in the US.

What Causes Cataracts?

There are several types of cataracts, but most are caused by normal changes in the eye as you age. They develop when the proteins in the lens break down and clump together, forming opaque areas in the crystalline lens. These spots prevent light from reaching the retina, leading to blurry vision, increased glare, or dullness.Your risk for cataracts increases with age. Some other factors may contribute to your development of cataracts:

  • Some health problems, like diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Excessive drinking
  • A family history of cataracts
  • An eye injury, eye surgery, or radiation treatment on your upper body
  • UV exposure
  • Medical steroid use

Types of Cataracts

Age-Related Cataracts

Age-related cataracts are the most common type of cataract and occur due to natural changes in the eyes over time.

Traumatic Cataracts

Eye injuries can damage your lens and result in a cataract. These cataracts may form quickly or take years to develop.

Radiation Cataracts

UV exposure and radiation treatments for cancer can cause cataracts.

Pediatric Cataracts

Very rarely, children can be born with cataracts or develop them later on. These cataracts are usually genetic or can occur because of complications during pregnancy, illness during childhood, eye injuries, or medications.

Secondary Cataract (Posterior Capsule Opacification)

Some people develop a secondary cataract after cataract surgery. This condition occurs when the thin membrane that holds the lens (lens capsule) grows scar tissue that causes cloudy vision. It can be easily fixed with an in-office laser treatment.